Implementation of automatic and simultaneous sorting technology as well as an intelligent system for the regranulation of plastic waste from the processing of used refrigeration equipment and the layout of installations for using this method in order to strengthen the circular management processes.

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A project from the program:
Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021

“Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe”

Name of the beneficiary:
"Polska Korporacja Recyklingu" Sp. z o. o.

Project title:
Implementation of automatic and simultaneous sorting technology as well as an intelligent system for the regranulation of plastic waste from the processing of used refrigeration equipment and the layout of installations for using this method in order to strengthen the circular management processes.

Brief description of the project:

The planned undertaking concerns the implementation of an innovative technological process focused on the management of process waste generated in the Company and the production of a product with high commercialization potential (hereinafter: "Project"). The Project will be implemented by Polska Korporacja Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter: "PKR", "Company", "Applicant") being the largest Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Processing Plant in the Lublin region. The undertaking will be implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian partner TOMRA Sorting AS.

As part of the Project, the results of research and development works carried out at the Research and Development Center of the Company will be implemented. The project will also deepen the Company's know-how and will also have a positive impact on cooperation with research and development units.

The planned products in the form of regranulate will be directed to a wide range of recipients, including industries such as packaging manufacturers, producers from the refrigeration industry, lighting manufacturers and a number of other industries producing plastic products, in particular high impact polystyrene.

The implementation of the Project contributes to achieving the objectives of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021, including in particular the environmentally friendly technologies scheme. The planned Project will have a positive impact on reducing economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area, will strengthen cooperation with the Norwegian partner, and also contribute to achieving the goal of building sustainable development of Polish enterprises based on innovation. The innovations planned to be implemented are focused on waste management, significantly reducing their volume as well as limiting CO2 emissions. The project will use energy-efficient devices, which will also be of value from the point of view of achieving the objectives of the above. support scheme.

Implementation progres: start of the project , public procurement procedure

Project Parner: TOMRA Sorting AS

Contact person from the Applicant: Witold Chemperek – Vice president

Contract numer: UWP-NORW.19.01.01-06-0013/20-00

Project Value:  9 348 000.00 PLN

Value of co-financing: 4 292 800.00 PLN

Operational programme: NORW.00.00.00

Priority axis: 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Action: 19.1 New products and investments

Under action: 19.1.1 Environmentally Friendly Technologies – Green growth

pkr,tuv klaster odpadowy, krajowy klaster kluczowy

Logo TUV NORD Polska Sp. z o.o. potwierdza, że organizacja posiada wdrożone i certyfikowane: System Zarządzania Jakością ISO 9001:2015, System Zarządzania Środowiskowego ISO 14001:2015 oraz System Zarządzania Jakością – Utrata Statusu Odpadu, a także System Certyfikacji KZR INiG. Jest to globalny systemem certyfikacji, który wdrożył zbiór wymagań, które muszą być spełnione, aby produkcja biopaliw mogła być uznana za zgodną z kryteriami zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Logo EMAS potwierdza, że Polska Korporacja Recyklingu ma wdrożony i certyfikowany Europejski System Zarządzania Środowiskowego EMAS (nr certyfikatu PL 2.06-004-82)

* - Polska Korporacja Recyklingu jest członkiem Klastra Gospodarki Odpadowej i Recyklingu - Krajowego Klastra Kluczowego.
KNR Green to certyfikat który potwierdza zgodność z wymaganiami prawnymi i jakościowymi stawianymi przez rynek surowców wtórnych
RecyClass Recycling Process Certificate potwierdza pochodzenie regranulatów powstałych w procesie recyklingu tworzyw sztucznych.
Program jest zgodny z wymogami norm EN 15343:2007 i ISO 22095:2020. Certyfikat umożliwia identyfikowalność jakości tworzyw sztucznych, dla produktów powstałych w procesie recyklingu, poprzez transparentność pochodzenia polimerów ze strumienia po-użytkowych odpadów ZSEiE, przetwarzanych zgodnie z wymaganiami określonymi w programie.